Mahdi Yousefan
Software Engineer
Mahdi Yousefan
About Me
Ever since I was young, I have enjoyed dabbling with computers and experimenting with different applications. Because my own life has essentially coincided with the rise of the modern computing industry, I can sense that there are still tremendous developments to come in this field. Right from the early days at school, Mathematics has intrigued me. The most challenging of all problems were my favorites, and obtaining solutions to them would leave me with a sheer feeling of ecstasy. I always did and always would thrive on solving the most challenging problems. With a compelling desire to excel, hard work became my second nature.
- Age 25
- e-mail m.yousefan1@gmail.com
- Phone +15146621330
What I Do
2023 - Now
Concordia UniversityComputer Engineering
Currently, I am studying master of Computer Engineering at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
2016 - 2021
Yazd University, IranSoftware Engineering
I graduated with a BSc. Degree in Software Computer Engineering.
Expert Systems with ApplicationsM. Yousefan, H. Esmaeili Najafabadi, H. Amirkhani, H. Leung and V. Hajihashemi. “Deep Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on Membership Maps and Object Area Filtering”.
2021 - 2023
SohaSoftware Engineer, Junior DevOps
In Soha we are developing a state-of-the-art applicant tracking system (ATS) that large companies can efficiently manage incoming resumes from job seekers. I did following tasks as a softwaer developer:
- running private gitlab server using Omnibus package, managing backups and upgrading
- configuring gitlab CI/CD piplines to deliver product for both staging and production enviroments
- dockerizing Laravel, Vue and Ingeration Test project
- Using nginx as a reverse proxy
- developing a software to integrate all resumes of the customer job boards periodically with python
2018 - 2021
ToofunSoftwaer Engineer
Toofun is an entertainment company that build and develop apparatuses such as VR roller-coster for amusement parks
- I developed a software to extract airplane game’s data such as airplane roll and pitch from RAM. It connects to the cheetah cabin board and sends extracted data every 100 ms through a serial port.
- I developed an android application that can connect to the cabin board via WiFi and control the cabin. In addition, it is capable of rotating the cabin via VR videos, so that the application can play VR videos like a roller-coaster. I was the main and the only developer of this project and designed a live stream to send data in real-time.
2022 - 2023
LangoverseSoftware Engineer
Langoverse is an application that provides many English pocasts with transcript for language learners
- developing backend with Django
- developing frontend with Vue plus PWA for web applicaition
- dockerizing Django and Vue
- android application with flutter
Soft Skills
Problem Solving
Active Listening
Technical Skills
Linux / Ubuntu
Vue js
Tensorflow / Keras
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- OpenCV / Computer Vision
- gitlab CI/CD
- Design Patterns
- Raspberry PI
- Arduino
- Matlab

Iran open International Competition, UAV League